Baumann Powers

The Intelligence

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich


An ailing mind can cause more pain than an injured body,  compelling the afflicted to recklessly find ways to ease the pain.  Many times through self-perpetuating methods.  Many attribute this affliction to common causes, but in most cases, it's the Intelligence at the root of most emotional, mental and physical illness.


The intelligence is a dark element who's objective is to actualize its purpose through another human's life force. He's dead and wants to feel alive.   He needs the body of a host to do that.  He feeds on dark emotions such as fear, anger, worry and lust.  He is a master at engendering these emotions within the one he takes residence in.  He's invisible to the actors or those acted upon, but he cannot contend with love and truth.  He is the antithesis of it.  Love and truth bring him out of the shadows and into the light where he cannot survive.


This is one man's story of liberating himself from the Intelligence.