

Legal notice

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25


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All rights of distribution, also by film, radio, television, photomechanical reproduction, sound carrier, electronic media and reprint in extracts, are reserved by the publisher.

The author is responsible for the content and correction.

© 2016 novum publishing

ISBN Printed Edition: 978-3-99048-182-0

ISBN e-book: 978-3-99048-183-7

Editing: Chennai Publishing

Cover image: Peshkova | Dreamstime.com

Jacket design, page design and typesetting: novum publishing


Chapter 1

Kwangsoo sat on his favorite chair on the balcony of his parents little flat, enjoying the sun shining on his face and the view he had. He lived there together with his brother and parents right across another flat building. From the little balcony he could always spy a bit on his neighbors by looking inside of their flats. It could be quite entertaining actually. Kwangsoo could see how Mr and Mrs Nam’s dogs were playing when they were gone, he could see how the child of Mrs Oh would throw the vase on the ground and later blame the cat, he had even seen how Mr Park had an affair and that his wife had caught him in the middle of it.

Kwangsoo took a sip of his coffee while he watched how two of his neighbors had a fight about how they should hang the laundry. Apparently, one of them hangs his shirt over the other’s, causing both of their shirts to fall down.

“Kwangsoo!” His mother called him from the kitchen.

“Yes mom?” He asked.

“Please get here and help me make dinner.” “Okay mom,” Kwangsoo said and got up from his chair and walked to the small kitchen.

When he got there he saw his mother struggling with getting some pans from the higher cabinet and Kwangsoo quickly ran toward and could just catch three pans before they would meet with the floor.

“Thank you,” his mother said and Kwangsoo flashed her a smile.

“Don’t worry mom you let them fall so much that I have almost become a pan ninja,” he said and his mother chuckled.

“Can you wash the vegetables for me?” She asked and gave Kwangsoo the vegetables, while she started with preparing the meat.

“My little Kwangie is going to college in just a week,” she suddenly said and squeezed his cheek which made Kwangsoo groan.

“Mommm your little Kwangie is an adult now so please stop calling me like I am 5 years old,” he said and his mother shook her head.

“You will always stay with me anyways so I will call you Kwangie whenever I want.”

“Not when I move out,” he said.

“You will move out when you will marry so you will stay here for a while,” she said and Kwangsoo groaned again.

“Thanks for your trust,” he said sarcastically.

“I was just kidding Kwangie. Hey tonight you will go out with Taeho right?” She asked to which Kwangsoo nodded.

“Maybe tonight you will meet the girl of your dreams,” she said and Kwangsoo groaned again.

“Or boy I don’t know.”


“Hey as long as I will get grandchildren I will be happy,” she said and Kwangsoo decided to ignore her for the time being.

“Sir, here is your drink,” the waitress said and gave Jawlong his drink.

“Thank you,” was all he said before he waved her off and went back to his conversation with Semin.

They had agreed to both meet in the best restaurant of Seoul to discuss some business matters and also because they hadn’t seen each other in a while.

“So how do you enjoy Renshu?” Semin asked after they were done talking about how much they should invest.

“Well he is a good one but not perfect.” Jawlong answered.

“What do you mean? He was amazing while he was with me.”

“Yes but that’s also a problem,” Jawlong said and Semin looked at him confused.

“I don’t want an experienced one. I want one whom I can mold into my own and not one who has had someone like you in him.” Jawlong explained and Semin shook his head.

“Aren’t Chonglin and Tengfei like that then?” Semin said and took a sip of his wine before pulling a face.

“That stupid waitress brought the wrong wine.” He said and put the glass away.

“To answer your question, no they aren’t. Chonglin was my first one, but just not it; Tengfei was good, but a bit too dominant; and Renshu has excellent skills, but he has had you in him and that’s just gross.” Jawlong said and Semin acted to be offended.

“But you won’t sell them right?” Semin asked.

“No, they all have a specialty but still, there is something missing.” Jawlong said and Semin grabbed a piece of paper from his bag and showed it to Jawlong.

“Are you invited to a bidding?” Jawlong asked after he read the paper and Semin nodded.

“Try to get one from Korea. Trust me you won’t regret it,” Semin said and handed the paper to Jawlong.

“Why won’t you get one then?” Jawlong asked confused.

“I am not feeling like going and you seem to need one more than me,” Semin said and stood up.

“Look at the time; I am going to be late for my meeting,” he said and Jawlong nodded.

“Go to the bidding Jawlong or else I will pull you there by myself.” Semin said and walked away.

Jawlong picked the piece of paper up from the table and looked at it again. A Korean one huh? He thought and put the invitation in his pocket. He stood up and put some money on the table to pay for the drinks and walked out.

Chapter 2

There were many things Kwangsoo could learn easily. He was fluent in multiple languages like Chinese and English, had learnt to cook when he was six and he was a master bowler. However, he could never learn how to be mentally ready for his friend Park Taeho, when he suddenly ran into his room while Kwangsoo was still changing.

“YAA! What on earth are you doing?” Kwangsoo screamed while he quickly ran behind a closet to prevent Taeho from seeing him in his boxer shorts.

“Dude don’t worry,” Taeho said while sitting on Kwangsoo’s bed, much to Kwangsoo’s annoyance because he had just made it.

“I have seen you in your underwear since you were 10 so seeing you half naked isn’t much of a shock anymore,” he explained before he suddenly got a shirt thrown in his face.


“That doesn’t mean that I am used to it,” Kwangsoo said and quickly pulled his shirt over his head and walked up to Taeho.

“Decent enough? Kwangsoo asked and span a round.

“Well I would like to judge Mr. I am a whiny little bitch, but the last time I checked someone had blocked my vision by throwing a shirt over my FACE!” Taeho said and pulled the shirt off his face and threw it at Kwangsoo, which Kwangsoo easily dodged.

“Don’t be such a baby and lets just go then,” Kwangsoo said while rolling his eyes.

“Sure.” Taeho said and later on they both walked out.

When they got in the city, they walked into their usual night club and looked around. It was as crowded as usual with the music blasting through the speakers and the crowded dance floor. It was already 1:00 am so almost everyone already had had a few drinks and you could easily spot by the way how some girls swung their hips that they had had a little bit too much tequila.

Kwangsoo and Taeho sat down on the couch in their usual spot and played a game of rock, paper and scissors to decide who had to pay for the night. Kwangsoo tested his luck by using paper and he actually won this time.

“Fuck yes! Take that!” He said and laughed at Taeho who looked at his fist like it had betrayed him in the worst way possible.

“But, but I wasn’t prepared,” Taeho said and Kwangsoo pushed him toward the bar.

“Just hushhhhhh and get me my drink,” Kwangsoo said and quickly ran back to the couch so that Taeho couldn’t argue with him anymore.

When Taeho got back with the shots and put it down on the table, Kwangsoo wanted to grab his glass, but Taeho stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“What’s wrong?” Kwangsoo asked and he saw Taeho looking at him uneasy.

“Kwangsoo what would you do for a friend?” He asked and Kwangsoo looked at him confused.

“Taeho what have you done this time?” Kwangsoo asked and Taeho widened his eyes and quickly shook his head.

“Nothing!” Taeho quickly defended himself.

“I mean like you would help him right? Give up some important stuff because he is dear to you right?” Taeho asked and Kwangsoo nodded.

“Of course I would. Taeho, if there is something you need help with please tell me.” Kwangsoo said and Taeho quickly shook his head and put on his million dollar smile to reassure him nothing was wrong.

“You are a good friend,” Taeho said and Kwangsoo smiled.

“Now let’s not make this night too sappy or else someone might cry,” Kwangsoo said and he grabbed his glass. Taeho nodded and also grabbed his.

“Are you ready?” Kwangsoo asked and Taeho nodded.

“3.2.1. GO,” they both said and at the same time they took their shot and Kwangsoo looked at Taeho confused.

“Dude did you get a new flavor?” He asked and he saw Taeho looking at him sadly.

“I am sorry.” Taeho said and Kwangsoo looked at him confused.

“Sorry? For getting the wr-,” Kwangsoo wanted to finish his sentence but before he could do it, the world became hazy before his eyes and he looked at Taeho who got up. He wanted to scream out loud when Taeho picked him up in a very painful way, but then everything became black.

Jawlong got out of the taxi and stood in front of an old, abandoned warehouse. Well they sure know how to make it dramatic he thought and looked around. There almost weren’t any people left but the ones that were made Jawlong stand out in his black suit while the others were mostly covered in tattoos and missed a few teeth. They all looked at Jawlong and looked at each other. They made a signal at each other; but before they could walk toward him, Jawlong was already at the door.

He knocked on the door and a pair of eyes appeared through the small opening of the door. The eyes looked up, surprised at the height of Jawlong before a loud deep voice was heard.

“Who is this?” The voice asked and Jawlong flashed the invitation, not feeling like explaining it with words and the pair of eyes disappeared from the opening. A minute later the sound of a few opening locks was heard and the door swung open. Jawlong walked in and saw the pair of eyes he had just seen a second ago, now looking back at him from the face of a just as dangerous looking man as the ones who stood outside a second ago. Jawlong quickly walked further into a hallway. When he reached the end, a man who was dressed in a suit like Jawlong walked toward him.

“Can I help you?” He asked and Jawlong showed the invitation again.

“A buyer huh?” He said after he read it and he gestured a scantily dressed woman to come toward him and Jawlong.

“Lead him the way to room 8.” He told her and she nodded. She smiled cheaply at Jawlong and grabbed his arm.

“This way sweetheart,” she said sweetly and pulled Jawlong with her. Jawlong was used to the cheap women who would pick him up by now so he just let her speak to him while she tried to make Jawlong pay her a little bit attention. But, when they reached room 8 and she still didn’t let go of him, he harshly pulled his arm back which made her pout.

Jawlong ignored it and walked inside of the room. He pulled his suit jacket off and hung it on the old rusty metal hanger in the corner of the dark room. He sat down on an old leather couch and looked through the glass window in front of it.

He had a view of the podium from this spot and he could see how late he was from the number of naked boys and girls which were already carried half unconscious away and he didn’t regret coming late. All of them weren’t his type or were already used.

The next boy who was brought in made him look a bit closer. The boy had brown dyed hair, had a cute round face and was skinny, but had some muscles in his arms. He had single eyelids and didn’t look very tall. The voice blasting through the speaker mentioned some information about him.

“Number 137. His name is Kim Junghwa and is 23 years old. He has experience in the barista world and is not a virgin anymore,” the voice said and a man with a mask on his face grabbed the boy’s face and held it up. From the half-lidded eyes you could see how much he was drugged and that he had no idea how he ended up there.

“He has very sharp eyes and large chipmunks cheeks,” the voice spoke again. The masked man grabbed Junghwa by the shoulders and made him lay on the ground so that you could easily see every naked detail on his body.

“Beautiful curves and an almost spotless skin,” the voice spoke and Junghwa was turned so that his behind was on display.

“A gorgeous behind which has never been used before,” which made Jawlong consider buying him. The masked man sat Junghwa down on his butt again; but when Jawlong saw the size of his manhood, he wasn’t interested anymore and sat back. Too big he thought and he lit up a cigarette. He inhaled deeply through it and let the voice through the speaker fill the room. “Sold for 500,000,000 won to room 5,” the voice said when they were done bidding and Jawlong started looking back at the podium again, waiting for someone interesting to come by which, didn’t happen for a long time.

When he had finished his third cigarette, he started thinking that maybe Semin was wrong about Korean toys; but when he got up and ready to leave, he looked back at the podium one last time and found the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He immediately grabbed his phone and dialed his assistant’s number.

“Get here and quickly get me the suitcase,” he spoke to his assistant and immediately hung up.

Kwangsoo opened his eyes, but couldn’t see anything. There was a bright light shining right into his eyes and when he tried to move, his body wouldn’t react for some reason. He opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out.

Someone suddenly grabbed his shoulders and he was laid down on his back. He looked up and saw a man with a black mask pulled over his face and wanted to ask him what was going on, but before he could do anything the darkness he saw earlier surrounded him again.

The next time he woke up was only moments later when he suddenly felt his face touching the ground and his ass being pulled up. He could hear something or someone saying something this time and he could barely make out the words. 18 … fluent … virgin … small … high quality were the only words he understood. Are they talking about me? He thought and when he suddenly was pulled into a sitting position he heard his name being said and he was sure that they were talking about him.

Suddenly, people were shouting high numbers. 50,000,000, 100,000,000, 200,000,000 he heard and the numbers kept rising until there was suddenly a loud deep voice shouting something.

“10,000,000,000 won in cash!” It said and everything went quiet. 10,000,000,000 won? For what would he pay so much money? Kwangsoo thought and he heard the voice from the speakers said something along the lines in “sold to room 8”.

Kwangsoo tried to make out who bought what, but he suddenly felt dizzy and fell down unconscious.

Chapter 3

Kwangsoo woke up by a stream of sunlight in a king-sized bed inside of a big room. He got up and blinked at the light peeking through the curtains. When his eyes finally had adjusted to the light in the room, he suddenly realized that this place wasn’t where he is supposed to be. He repeated last night through his mind. He went out with Taeho right? But then after a drink, he suddenly passed out. Was that all? But how did he end up here then? He suddenly felt a bit cold, how on earth was he naked? Did he have an one night stand? That would be sad, saving yourself for someone special and then you can’t even remember how it went.

He looked around the room, but suddenly felt something hanging onto his wrist and noticed a bracelet with writing hanging around it. When he inspected it more closely he could see that it was made out of paper.

“146: Do Kwangsoo. Age: 18. Status: Sold,” he read out loud and felt a wave of panic going through him. Sold? How can he be sold? Then suddenly he remembered standing inside of a dark room held by a masked man, with only a spot light shining right at him and someone saying something through the speaker. They started bidding on something … From there he didn’t have any memories of last night. Kwangsoo tried to get off the bed, but something around his neck pulled him back. He felt around his neck and noticed that he had some kind of choker wrapped around it made of steel which had chains attached to it which were fixated to the wall. When he felt more around it he noticed that it had a lock and some sort of writing on it which he couldn’t quite make out yet. Then he noticed more kinds of tools attached to the bed and walls. On each corner of the bed was a cuff made of steel and on the wall hang a wreck with all kinds of whips and more torture tools. Kwangsoo started panicking and pulled harshly on the chain. Who tied him up? How did he end up here? Why are there whips on the wall which look like they are made for those horse riders? Then it all clicked in his mind. He was the one who was being sold. The man with a mask was displaying him to people who he couldn’t see.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened revealing a tall dark-haired man with sharp eyes. He walked toward Kwangsoo and smirked when he saw how he was tied up. When he tugged on the chains Kwangsoo noticed how big his hands were and how scary he was up close.

“I see that my new toy finally woke up,” he said in Chinese with a deep voice and Kwangsoo widened his eyes.

“N-new toy?” He asked scared in Chinese, to which the other male chuckled.

“Yes dear Kwangsoo you are mine now.” Kwangsoo looked at him shocked. His? Was he the man who bought him?

“You see Kwangsoo, last night on the bidding I bought you and added you to my collection of toys. And when you are sold you have become someone’s toy or slave is the word which I prefer.” The male continued when Kwangsoo didn’t talk back.

“So yeah I am your master now,” he smirked and tugged harshly on Kwangsoo’s chain which made the latter yelp in pain.

“Oh wait I almost forgot to mention my name. Bad me,” the tall male said and shook his head. “My name is Wu Jawlong, but you shall always refer to me as master or else you will be punished severely.” Kwangsoo flinched a bit at the word punished and his eyes flickered back and forth to the tools attached to the walls which made Jawlong smile even wider.

“I was right when I thought that you would be adorable. You see Kwangsoo, boys like you will hardly ever come by and they are almost impossible to find,” he said in a calm voice.

“W-what do you mean?” Kwangsoo asked confused.

Jawlong stood up and stroked his cheek and Kwangsoo could only follow his moves with his eyes, scared of how he would punish him if he moved.

“Such innocent eyes.” Jawlong moved his hand down to Kwangsoo’s lips and softly pinched them.

“Plump lips,” he moved his hands down to the other’s shoulders.

“Beautifully shaped shoulders,” and then he lowered his hand down to Kwangsoo’s lower part and stroked Kwangsoo’s member through the blankets.

“Such a cute little dick and not to forget,” he suddenly squeezed Kwangsoo’s member which made the smaller male moan.

“Still a virgin,” Jawlong stated and chuckled at the way how Kwangsoo got red in embarrassment.

“Well … not for long of course,” he said and Kwangsoo flinched away from his touch, but when he tried to move further the chain was still preventing him from leaving. Jawlong chuckled again and grabbed the collar of Kwangsoo.

“You know that you are even cuter when you try to leave? It makes me want you even more.”

“H-how did I end up here?” Kwangsoo asked scared.

“Well your friend, Taemin or something like that, brought you in and like I said I bought you from him,” Kwangsoo suddenly felt tears coming up, but he held them back. Taeho? Why would he sell him? Weren’t they friends?

“He would never sell me.” Kwangsoo said, but Jawlong chuckled.

“Dear, dear Kwangsoo. People will do crazy things for money.” Jawlong said and Kwangsoo pushed Jawlong back.

“L-let me go,” Kwangsoo stuttered and Jawlong tugged on his collar which made Kwangsoo gag.

“Never,” Jawlong said and the look in his eyes changed.

“You are mine so you will obey me,” he said and tugged on Kwangsoo’s collar down so that he fell face first down on the bed.

“You are mine so shall we start with it?”

“W-with what?” Kwangsoo asked and Jawlong chuckled again. 

“Don’t worry,” he said.

“I will make it pleasurable for both of us.”

Jawlong got up and put his member back inside of his pants. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

“Yes Jiseok you can clean this up now.” Was all he said before he hung up and looked back at Kwangsoo. He grabbed Kwangsoo by the collar and read the description out loud.

“Possession of Wu Jawlong. It suits you don’t you think?” And with a chuckle he let go of Kwangsoo and walked out through the door.