


The Art of Transformational Coaching
1. Aufl.

von: Elena Aguilar

25,99 €

Verlag: Wiley
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 17.07.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9781394160402
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 544

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<p><b>A hands-on guide for transformational coaches working in school environments</b></p> <p>In <i>Arise: The Art of Transformational Coaching</i>, renowned author and coach Elena Aguilar delivers a compelling and inspirational message about how to coach in the face of daunting challenges. In the book, you’ll learn how to listen expansively in a coaching conversation, how to plan conversations effectively, how to coach across lines of racial difference, how to coach resistant teachers, and more.</p> <p>You’ll learn how best to impact your clients’ “3 B’s”: beliefs, behaviors, and ways of being and explore illuminating case studies that highlight and illustrate the concepts discussed in the book. You’ll also find:</p> <ul> <li>A Transformational Coaching Rubric 2.0 providing detailed explanations of all relevant coaching domains and indicators</li> <li>Comprehensive discussions of the reasoning and theory underlying the practical strategies explained within</li> <li>Techniques for developing, maintaining, and applying emotional intelligence in your work</li> </ul> <p>An indispensable “how-to” guide for transformational coaches working in school environments, <i>Arise: The Art of Transformational Coaching </i>is the hands-on and practical roadmap to results that professionals in this area have been waiting for.</p>
<p>About the Author xxi</p> <p>Acknowledgments xxvii</p> <p>Foreword by <i>Alexandrea Creer Kahn</i> xix</p> <p><b>Introduction 1</b></p> <p>Every Child, Every Day 2</p> <p>An Overview of This Book 4</p> <p>From London to Oakland to Nairobi 12</p> <p>The Bridge to Everything 17</p> <p><b>1 Transformational Coaching: Why No One Can Learn from You If You Think They Suck 21</b></p> <p>A Transformational Coaching Conversation 22</p> <p>Coaching Is Professional Development 29</p> <p>The Core Principles of Transformational Coaching 31</p> <p>Four Theories of Action That Drive Transformational Coaching 33</p> <p>A Transformational Coach’s Essential Beliefs 41</p> <p>Comparing Traditional Instructional Coaching with Transformational Coaching 48</p> <p>The Impact of Transformational Coaching 51</p> <p><b>2 A Transformational Coach’s Ways of Being: How to Create the Conditions for Transformation 57</b></p> <p>The Primary Role of Emotional Intelligence 59</p> <p>The Dispositions of a Transformational Coach 66</p> <p>People Remember How You Made Them Feel 77</p> <p><b>3 The Foundational Abilities: The Cornerstones of Transformational Coaching 79</b></p> <p>How to Coach a Teacher Who Opposes the New Curriculum 80</p> <p>Coaching the Three Bs 86</p> <p>Building Trust 90</p> <p>Cultivating Agency 98</p> <p>Navigating Power Dynamics 102</p> <p>All We Need Is 15 Minutes 116</p> <p><b>4 How to Listen: This Will Change Your Life 119</b></p> <p>What Is Listening? 120</p> <p>Common Obstacles to Deep Listening 124</p> <p>How to Be a Good Listener 130</p> <p>The Joy of Listening 136</p> <p><b>5 Fifty Questions to Ask: And Four Types to Avoid 139</b></p> <p>What Not to Do 140</p> <p>Whenever Possible, Be Quiet 144</p> <p>The Hardest Coaching Skill of All 146</p> <p>The Coaching Stances 150</p> <p>It’s Not About the Nail 159</p> <p>Five Coaching Survival Phrases 163</p> <p>A Little More on What to Say and How to Say It 169</p> <p>Forget the Stems, Remember the Source 175</p> <p><b>6 Listen, Think, Respond: Inside the Mind of a Transformational Coach 177</b></p> <p>The Three Steps in a Transformational Coaching Conversation 180</p> <p>An Overview of the Thinking Tools 183</p> <p>Every Conversation Counts 186</p> <p><b>7 What You Need to Know About Emotions: And Why You Don’t Need to Be a Therapist 189</b></p> <p>But I’m Not a Therapist 191</p> <p>Why Is It So Hard to Deal with Emotions? 195</p> <p>What You Need to Know About Emotions 198</p> <p>Stressed, Tired, and Overwhelmed 203</p> <p>Trauma-Informed Coaching 207</p> <p>When Did You Stop Dancing? 219</p> <p><b>8 How to Coach Emotions: Without Making Things Weird 221</b></p> <p>Address Core Human Needs 222</p> <p>Use ACE Emotions 226</p> <p>ACE Emotions in Action 234</p> <p>Coach into the Spheres of Influence 238</p> <p>Use Strength- Based Coaching 243</p> <p>Additional Considerations When Coaching Emotions 248</p> <p><b>9 How to Coach Resistance and Resilience: It’s Easier— and Harder— Than You Think 257</b></p> <p>What Is Resistance? 260</p> <p>Resistance Is Optional 269</p> <p>Can Someone Be Uncoachable? 277</p> <p>How to Respond to Resistance 281</p> <p>How to Cultivate Resilience 286</p> <p>Witness and Behold 292</p> <p><b>10 How to Coach Ways of Being: Coach the Person, Not the Problem 295</b></p> <p>The Complexity of a Way of Being 298</p> <p>Coaching Core Values 305</p> <p>Coaching Personality Traits 311</p> <p>Coach the Person, Not the Problem 314</p> <p><b>11 How to Coach Beliefs: Change the Story, Change the Reality 317</b></p> <p>Recognizing Beliefs 321</p> <p>Unpacking Helpful and Harmful Stories 323</p> <p>Naming the Stories 328</p> <p>Exploring Beliefs 331</p> <p>Trust the Process 338</p> <p><b>12 What You Need to Know About Equity: And Why We Must Start with Race 341</b></p> <p>Why Focus on Racial Equity 344</p> <p>Power, Privilege, and Identity 346</p> <p>What Is Racism? 349</p> <p>How Racism Manifests in Schools 354</p> <p>What Is to Be Done? 358</p> <p><b>13 How to Coach for Equity: On Building Bridges 361</b></p> <p>Who, What, When, Where, and Why Coach for Equity 363</p> <p>Cultivating Identity Awareness 365</p> <p>Why Calling People Out Doesn’t Work 370</p> <p>How to Change Beliefs 374</p> <p>What to Say When You Hear Something Racist: A Cheat Sheet 386</p> <p>How to Navigate All the Emotions 391</p> <p><b>14 How to Coach Behaviors: It’s Time to Close the Gaps 395</b></p> <p>How to Do a Classroom Observation 397</p> <p>The Gaps Framework 407</p> <p>Adult Learning Principles 417</p> <p>Planning the Debrief 422</p> <p>How to Coach an Open, Receptive, “Easy” Teacher 427</p> <p><b>15 The Art of Transformational Coaching: Heart-Centered Coaching 435</b></p> <p>The Coaching Lenses 436</p> <p>Using the Coaching Lenses to Plan 439</p> <p>The Art of a Transformational Coaching Conversation 446</p> <p>Reflecting on a Coaching Conversation 458</p> <p>Things We Don’t Talk About, Yet 461</p> <p>Conclusion: All You Need Is Love 465</p> <p>References 467</p> <p>Appendix A: Transformational Coaching Mini-Rubric 471</p> <p>Appendix B: The Core Emotions 477</p> <p>Appendix C: The Coaching Lenses 481</p> <p>Index 489</p>
<p><B>ELENA AGUILAR</B> is the CEO of Bright Morning, the author of 8 books, and the host of the Bright Morning podcast. She has trained tens of thousands of educators in strategies to create thriving teams, cultivate resilience, and make every conversation count towards building a more just and equitable world.
<p><b>Unlock the power of Transformational Coaching in school environments</b> <p><i>Arise </i>is the definitive, empowering guide to navigating the complexities of coaching within educational settings. Renowned author and coach Elena Aguilar reveals how to overcome challenges and inspire meaningful change. She explores coaching across racial differences and strategies for engaging resistant teachers, providing invaluable tools for transformative impact. Through her illuminating insights and case studies, readers will witness the profound influence of coaching on beliefs, behaviors, and ways of being. <p>This vital resource features a new Transformational Coaching Rubric, in-depth discussions of coaching theory, and practical techniques for harnessing emotional intelligence. Whether you’re a seasoned coach or just starting out, this book is your roadmap to achieving tangible results in the dynamic landscape of educational coaching. <p> “Elena Aguilar is the Queen of Educational Coaching. If you can only read one of her books, this is it. The term Transformational Coaching is not a catchphrase: this book guides us through a holistic process to transform the work and life of both the teacher and the coach to become more effective and more meaningful.”<BR> <B>—RON BERGER</B>, author and Senior Advisor, EL Education <p>“This book empowers leaders to thrive by offering opportunities for deep reflection as well as accessible and actionable frameworks that expand our capacity to coach others. <i>Arise </i>will not only transform your practice, but will also create systemic change in educational systems we work in one coaching conversation at a time.”<BR> <B>—DAISY SALAZAR-GARZA</B>, KIPP School Leader <p>“<i>Arise </i>provides a comprehensive roadmap for both veteran and aspiring coaches, empowering them to become agents of transformation in a world hungering for empathy, connection and healing.”<BR> <B>—MEENA SRINIVASAN</B>, Executive Director of Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL) and author of <i>Teach, Breathe, Learn </i>and <i>SEL Every Day</i>
<p>Praise for <i>Arise</i></p> <p>“Elena has done it again. <i>Arise </i>is a literal masterpiece. Full of deeply personal reflections, radically supportive scripts, and loads of opportunities to explore one’s patterns, beliefs, and experiences, this book is a game-changer for any human being. I even used the strategies with my teenagers and partner; this content is not just applicable in a professional setting, but in a personal context as well.” <br /><br /><b>—Maia Heyck-Merlin</b>, Founder & CEO, The Together Group; author of <i>The Together Teacher</i>, <i>The Together Leader</i>, and <i>The Together Teammate</i></p> <p>“Since the pandemic, schools and organizations have often struggled to rebuild community and trust. <i>Arise</i> builds on the foundations of Elena Aguilar's impactful prior work, giving practical strategies and case studies to support the well-being of students, teachers, and administrators alike.” <br /><br /><b>—Liz SoHyeon Kleinrock</b></p> <p>“Want change? No one knows more about leveraging the human side of change than Elena. In her deeply optimistic new book <i>Arise</i>, Elena shows how Transformational Coaching—yes, coaching that is literally transformational—is the key to improving teacher practice and creating a school community where we all thrive. This book is exactly what we need so our students and our schools can flourish.” <br /><br /><b>—Jenn David-Lang</b>, Founder, THE MAIN IDEA and Learn & Lead Masterminds</p> <p>“<i>Arise</i> is an incredible compilation of ALL Elena's best work. This book will help any coach or supervisor continually practice becoming a better coach for their team and help any organization get closer to actualizing the full potential of each human being.  To ‘Arise’ means to put in the effective effort and reflection necessary to improve yourself as a coach and immensely transform the lives of those who work with one another to improve systems for all of us.  If we believe in ourselves and others desire to bring and become our best selves, we will all Arise!” <br /><br /><b>—Shanie J. Keelean</b>, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, Rush-Henrietta Central School District</p> <p>“<i>Arise</i> should be required reading for all coaches and instructional leaders! It addresses the too often overlooked nuisances and soft skills of being an instructional coach head on, in an authentic way. It provides its readers with emotionally intelligent strategies and mindset shifts that are vital if you are serious about becoming a transformational coach.” <br /><br /><b>—Deidra Fogarty</b>, Black Girls Teach</p> <p>“Elena Aguilar has beautifully and cogently unpacked the ‘behind the scenes’ thinking and skills that will assist any coach who desires to transform education through her coaching conversations.  With its use of real-world scenarios and practical coaching language supports, <i>Arise</i> will support every reader, no matter her role, in developing her coaching mindset (and skill set).  Brava and thank you, Elena for another wonderful contribution to our field.” <br /><br /><b>—Jennifer Abrams</b>, Communications Consultant and author of several books, including <i>Having Hard Conversations</i> and <i>Stretching Your Learning Edges: Growing (Up) at Work</i> </p> <p>“Elena’s human-centered approach is revolutionary, and offers an accessible path to the nuances of transformational coaching and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.” <br /><br /><b>—Angela Watson</b>, Founder of</p> <p>“As a school principal, I find <i>Arise </i>to be a must-read, transformative coaching guide that sharply focuses on emotions, behaviors, and beliefs to establish systems that support effective coaching and staff development. This book is essential for every school leader committed to educational equity—every child, every day.” <br /><br /><b>—James Allrich</b>, Principal, Argyle Middle School; Maryland Principal of the Year (2023)</p> <p>“This phenomenal book sets the bar high, calling in every educator and coach to recognize the power of showing up and removing barriers for students even if it requires our own shift, vulnerability, and discomfort. With <i>Arise</i>, Elena inspires all of us to create conditions for positive transformation for our students (and ourselves) to explore, learn, and thrive.”<b> <br /><br />—Danielle Nava-Mijares</b>, CEO & Educational Strategist, Nava Consulting LLC</p> <p>“At a time when educational coaches are told they must help clients interpret data, navigate divisive politics, and implement revolving improvement initiatives, Elena Aguilar reminds us that just as effective educators strive to educate the whole child, we must support the whole adult educating the child. <i>Arise</i> is a brilliant, beautiful, and hopeful synthesis of Elena Aguilar’s prior work and experiences. It is the definitive guidebook to transformational coaching. If you want to coach people instead of initiatives, this book is for you.” <br /><br /><b>—Brendan Wilson</b>, Principal Coach, Anchorage School District</p> <p>“Aguilar’s <i>Arise</i> reminds us to trust teachers. In this book, her transformative coaching model is elevated as she reaffirms personhood as the path to creating the conditions that allow teachers to do their best thinking in pursuit of improving their practice.” <br /><br /><b>—Zaretta Hammond</b>, teacher-educator and author of <i>Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain</i></p> <p>“<i>Arise</i> is a revelation. This book is an invaluable gift for coaches in any field, but particularly education, <i>Arise</i> isn’t a toolbox, it’s a profound invitation. It challenges and supports its readers to build and sustain relationships and communities that foster learning and belonging. In this beautiful, rejuvenating text, Elena Aguilar offers a blueprint for building a better world—one where every child is valued, every adult is a partner for transformation, and every human being’s dignity is treasured.” <br /><br /><b>—Garrett Bucks</b>, author of <i>The Right Kind of White</i> and founder of The Barnraisers Project</p> <p>“<i>Arise</i> is a comprehensive resource for those committed to supporting pre-service teachers through collaborative coaching conversations. Elena’s guidance has transformed my approach to interacting with student teachers, creating conditions where self-awareness, equitable practices, and resilience flourish so that everyone involved can truly thrive.” <br /><br /><b>—Kathrina Mendez</b>, lecturer & Supervisor of Elementary Education, University of California, San Diego</p> <p>“The incomparable coach extraordinaire, Elena Aguilar, beautifully combines narrative, theory, and practice to guide educational leaders on how to center humanity, equity, and love in their coaching so that they can create the conditions for adults and students alike to thrive.” <br /><br /><b>—Dena Simmons, Ed.D.,</b> Founder and Executive Director, LiberatED</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

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