Laurent F. Carrel

Messages from Melanie

365 Pearls of Wisdom and Hope from Afar

Laurent F. Carrel

Messages from Melanie

365 Pearls of Wisdom and Hope from Afar


To the Messenger from Afar, my daughter Melanie.

In appreciation

To my wife Rebecca and my son Marc for their assistance in translating the German into English.

To the trance medium Summer Bacon (channel for Dr. J.M. Peebles) and the clairvoyant medium Jaimee McCabe

for their encouragement to travel the road of a spiritual warrior.


All of us – whether we admit it to ourselves or not – struggle with Life in one way or another. How can we improve our lives and that of others? What is the meaning of our experiences? How can we heal from physical and emotional injury? What happens after death? If only we could understand what it is all about, perhaps through comforting messages and practical life counsel miraculously received from a knowledgeable Source … .

I am not that Source, only the transmitter of the messages that found their way onto paper through me, part of the almost 3000 which I have received and recorded since mid-2007. Sometime during each night, in a half-awake and sleep-heavy state, I scribble onto a waiting notepad, returning immediately afterwards to a deep sleep. The following morning, I am as surprised and delighted as you will be when I transcribe the nearly illegible words to reveal full sentences with profound meaning. The words that are written in italic were emphasized during the transmission, while a word in parentheses signals a double meaning. The use of “we” or “us” signifies the communicators in the Spirit World.

Exactly how the messages are transmitted is a mystery to me; some speak of the “nonlocal consciousness” to which we have access in many ways. If you have doubts about the origin of information in this book or you scoff at the process through which it arrives, you have my full understanding. With an academic and scientific background, as well as a keen interest in brain research, I would also prefer a rational explanation. However, over time it has become clear to me that it is less important whether I believe in this recurring contact with the spiritual realm than whether I accept the reality and value of the product so delivered.

There is no right or wrong way to interpret each message; the value is what you, the reader, give it. The meaning arises from your personal understanding. I hope you will agree with me that within this book there resides a power to console, to inspire, and to heal, as well as to make us smile.

I would like to offer another level of explanation about the origins of the Pearls of Wisdom and Hope from Afar, one that has its roots in my recurring bouts of sleeplessness and in the painful story of the premature death of our daughter Melanie over 35 years ago. After a long period of despondence about her loss, I was surprised one restless night that she appeared to me as a joyful, radiant spirit to accompany me into the world of sleep, then and every following night, thereby helping me as my “sleep angel” to instantly overcome my lifelong problem with insomnia. However, while the gift of a good night’s sleep was already a miracle, another problem remained unresolved: I was still tormented by dreadful nightmares that made restful regeneration impossible. Encouraged by Melanie’s presence, I appealed to the Spirit World for help. The very next night a spirit who had been a close companion during my childhood appeared in my dream, gave me his name and offered to help me overcome the nightmares. My guide was of the opinion that the frightening dreams were important for me and should not be suppressed. He would, however, assist Melanie to transmit a short message or piece of advice after every one. And that, dear reader, is how it started and how it continues to this day.

The current selection of messages was first published in 2013 in German under the pen name Bear CaLaFa with the title of “Trosttropfen der Hoffnung, 365 Engels-Botschaften und Ratschläge.”

The Author’s Journey

Dr. Laurent F. Carrel (*1945) lives in Switzerland with family ties to the USA. He completed law school and wrote his dissertation on U.S. environmental policy. After working many years as an attorney, strategy expert, crisis manager, university professor and author, he now runs a private practice in leadership coaching.